Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Religious Right Has Some Mighty Strange Bedfellows

The religious right has some mighty strange bedfellows.

JD's Handsome Son says that liberals tell you where you can live, who you can live with, who you can associate with? I thought it was the "social conservatives" who want to tell people what they can and cannot do. John Edwards "legally steals" his money but rich Republicans who game the system are just good ole boys, I guess.

He says,"Being partly an indigenous aborigine, (all of us born here are native Americans, check your Webster's dictionary), does not give you license to make rules for the rest of us. I know this shocks you communists who've been raised on an ethnic entitlement mentality. Trust me, I'm white and I'm right. (How do you like that ethnic arrogance? How does it feel?)"

It feels like you are a snotty-nosed spoiled little brat. How contemptuous of our own much more recent history but try talking to him about Israel and he will probably spout off about the Islamo-fascist towel-head, camel-jockey, jihadi threat.

What about the threat that comes from an arrogant, smug, know-it-all populace that has nothing better to do but wallow in their hatred and have never learned to think for themselves?

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