Friday, March 21, 2008

The U.S. Is A Known Historical Supporter Of Terrorism…

An editorial in The Kansas City Star states that the U.S. is a "known historical supporter of terrorism in Pinochet's Chile, Batista's Cuba and Rios Mont's Guatemala."

Why do Americans think they deserve a pass?

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Admiral William Fallon

As an outspoken military family member who has unique and strong opinions, I regret the resignation of Adm. William Fallon. Despite the recent downturn in violence in Iraq, I don’t see how anyone could say that the rest of the way will be a cakewalk, and Afghanistan is far from a conclusion, as well. I don’t consider his comments to be that contentious. It was fear and blind patriotism that got us to this place and a man who has served his country with such honor and distinction should not feel pressured or compelled to resign for speaking his mind.

Republicans - Single-Minded or Just Simple-Minded?

John McCain says we should stay in Iraq until the terrorists have been defeated. Has it ever occurred to the Republicans that maybe “al-Qaida in Iraq” would stop targeting innocent Iraqis if the U.S. were no longer there? They were not there before we invaded. Have the Republicans ever taken notice of the many “enemy combatants” that have been released from Guantanamo Bay without any explanation, whatsoever? It was recently revealed that the U.S. used the British outpost, Diego Garcia, for refueling during two “extraordinary rendition” flights, one of the captives of which has also been released. Are the Republicans unable to comprehend that this may mean that these people are innocent? Bush refuses to ban certain torture techniques. The “liberals” are not against torturing terrorists so much as they are against torturing innocent people. Are the Republicans single-minded or just simple-minded in their quest to do whatever it takes to make themselves feel “safe”?

Boeing And The Air Force Contract

Going to war with the army you have means deciding to start a war without enough troops, armor or the right equipment, even without a plan for the aftermath. Bureaucratic delays meant lost lives when a vehicle designed to protect against IEDs was deemed too expensive. I was very upset to hear they were sending a new helicopter gunship - but without the gun and without the ability to land safely in the event of engine loss - but the violence has subsided and I have not heard any bad news. If the new Air Force contract was based on cost alone, they had better forget it; if it is a better product, put a sock in it.

Anthony H. Cordesman And Iraq

Anthony H. Cordesman makes some fine points and I might even agree with him if he, unlike every other war supporter before him, would go so far as to actually come straight out and demand that the American people step up and make the sacrifices necessary to attain the success of which he speaks. I think somehow the American people have the idea about our all-volunteer army that they can just sit back while the same people keep fighting the long wars.

The Surge

People who casually toss around “low” casualty counts are not to be trusted. There is hope and there is a very real strain on our military. Also, there has been much “treasure” squandered and still much more “treasure” will be required.

Free Trade And Pharmaceuticals From China

I don’t know how to say “quality-control” in Chinese, but judging from the picture that accompanied your Heparin story (3-05-08), I doubt the Chinese do, either.

I would be very interested to know if the American pharmaceutical companies that import ingredients from these “developing” countries have ever been to see for themselves where these products are coming from.

Furthermore, according to the Republicans, there is no such thing as “economic injustice.” This story, and you know there are many more like it, makes a pretty good argument for sharing the wealth.

Forget What I Said Before...

I don’t see why Geraldine Ferraro’s comments are so controversial when it is clear that Obama has the support of much of the black community and politicians of all persuasions hash and rehash the demographics and tailor their message to these specific groups. I am not sure if I am a Clinton supporter but I do feel that this country is not as ready for a woman president as one would hope, as evidenced by cartoons depicting Hillary as a nag and a wicked witch, and then, “Iron my shirt!”

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Friday, February 15, 2008

That About Says It All

I hope these writings convey the deep contempt I have for this society. Goodbye.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Let me tell you about Brianhoney. He is adorable. He works at the railroad. He fights wars and rescues people in his spare time and he has two Harleys. You are all just wannabes when it comes to my Guardsman.


Sunday, October 14, 2007.

To the Federal Bureau of Investigations:

I am a very sick person and I desperately need help. I have been harassed and followed - persecuted – for around ten years. Everybody knows about this, my entire neighborhood, the people at the store, my doctors, everywhere I go. You might already be aware of this. I wrote a letter to the FBI not long after this started. I also wrote to the Missouri and Kansas Attorney Generals as well as the IRS.

This all started at Mo-Can Flooring, Inc. I believe this is a conspiracy designed to enact revenge for any perceived slights or injustices by the “angry white male” crowd. I committed some unpardonable offense and they told their friends and they told their friends – maintenance men at the apartments where I was assigned work, mechanics, police (though not in an official capacity), and other trades people and they have not left me alone for ten years.

They were hostile, they sabotaged my jobs, I had goons following me everywhere I went and somehow they spied on me. They followed me to a short stint at RPS package service where some little punk tried to kill me on a conveyor belt. And they followed me to Carpet Factory Outlet where I worked as a salesperson. I began dating and working with another carpet layer and they harassed us, also. When we got married they interfered and harassed us where we lived (Adam and Jennifer – North Kansas City, Missouri). That marriage ended very badly.

I went to see Dr. Innocent Anya of Northtown Psyche & Associates through Tri-County Mental Health Services. I have every reason to believe that he, or through Tri-County, has somehow used this vile network to threaten everyone who was interested in me into backing off due to the traumatic nature of how my marriage was ruined. He has kept me a virtual prisoner for two years and four months now. There is an employee of Missouri Social Services who works in the basement of the Clay County Courthouse who is involved with the misappropriation of my divorce settlement. My lawyer, Doug Wemhoff is also involved.

I am in love with my next-door neighbor’s brother (Brianhoney) and he wants to marry me but he is being kept away by threat that these same (mostly) white trash thugs will come after him, too. His entire family knows about me. He has told everyone in the neighborhood, many of these people have been neighbors for decades, and he has people drive by and give me signs trying to help me but this doctor, for whatever reason, will not relent. He thinks he has the right to make my personal life decisions for me. It sounds incredible and I cannot believe it is happening and it has made me even more ill. This “psychiatric care” I have received has been as much or more traumatic than anything that has been done to me previously, save the terror of knowing that these people are not above going after my family, too.

I have, until recently, had goons drive by my house at all hours of the day and night. I believe the Clay County Sheriff’s Department and the Kansas City Police Department are already aware of this. Then, a couple (the dumbest, ugliest, most ridiculous clowns you have ever seen) moves in across the street from me here in Avondale and the husband deliberately does something to make his wife jealous and she has been parading around in her front yard for months, giving me these looks and putting on a show for my benefit and disturbing what little peace and tranquility I had left. This is the trash that has been following me around for ten years. This is the exact type of revolting and absurd behavior they have displayed in an intentional affront to my sensibilities for years and years.

I do not know for sure how they have managed to spread this around but with everyone from the people at the Wal-Mart where I shop, to the mailman and to strangers when I drive down the street clearly being aware of this I imagine it would not be hard to connect the dots at this point. I want my life back.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Who Among The Republicans Is Looking Out For The Troops?

All I hear from the Republicans is how safe they feel. How George W. Bush has kept them safe and that to lose the White House to the Democrats would result in their being less safe. Pardon me for thinking more about my loved ones than myself, but who is looking out to keep the troops safe?

My understanding is that the surge was only made possible by extending tours to fifteen months, by all accounts putting additional strain on an already strained military. The number of “high-quality” recruits has continually fallen. As a military family member, when I hear this, I think about what would happen if the situation in Iraq or Afghanistan suddenly worsened, who would be ready to help? What “quality” of people are being sent to watch the troops’ back?

Never mind that a recent report by the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves says the nation "’does not have sufficient trained, ready forces available’ to respond to a chemical, biological or nuclear weapons incident, ‘an appalling gap that places the nation and its citizens at greater risk,’” and that, “Even fewer Army National Guard units are combat-ready today than were nearly a year ago.” They are still drastically short of equipment. To me, this means that my loved ones could be put in a position made even more dangerous by a lack of proper equipment and trained, battle-ready soldiers.

The current situation has resulted in an “unprecedented” reliance on our citizen soldiers – the National Guard and Reserves. Yet, the Commission’s first recommendation - pointing to the “continued strain on the military as it fights wars on two fronts” and saying there is "no reasonable alternative" - is to rely heavily on the reserves to supplement the active duty forces because it would be cheaper! What kind of gratitude is this?

John McCain, the war hero, says we will stay in Iraq 100 years, if that’s what it takes, and that it shouldn't be difficult to expand the U.S. military despite a shortfall in recruitment. Is he going to be just another flowery, patriotic orator who will not ask any sacrifice of the people?

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Effects Of The War

I recently had an e-mail discussion with someone who is a contributor to, which is almost as bad as townhall in its shrillness. I do not have permission to reprint the correspondance so I will just say that she/he indicated that the media, once again, was ignoring the "good news" from Iraq.

She indicated that she supports the troops but is against a draft, that the establishment of Israel was a "consolation gift" for the Holocaust and that the problem today is due to the simple fact that other Arab nations are somehow responsible for taking in the displaced Palestinians.

Among my responses:

I am not sure that my young nephew, who is a U.S. Marine, would have learned in school that the U.S. was once a supporter of Sadaam Hussein as well as other dictators and even terrorists, when it suited us. He certainly is not old enough to have done anything to contribute to the situation and I find it appalling that the people who did, will not acknowledge it.

Of course, I have no problem with my loved ones - I am also to be married to a Missouri National Guardsman who has served in Iraq - fulfilling their duty. I find the Republicans fervent opposition to a draft to be no different than the war protesters, both past and present, except that the war protesters don't want anyone to go while you people just don't want you to go.

Meanwhile, the Iraq war has diverted much attention and resources from the war in Afghanistan which you acknowledge has gotten worse and with the situation in Pakistan is more dire than ever. I fully supported that war but I am also aware of the continuing problem with women's rights as well as incidents like the recent death sentence for blasphemy of a reporter. "A young journalist in the north of Afghanistan faces the death penalty in what observers say is a well-orchestrated campaign of intimidation against the media."

The expectation of an American-style democracy in both Iraq and Afghanistan may not be entirely realistic. The mission should have been kept to hunting down Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida.

As for my knowledge of history, I am not a scholar, but I have spent much time studying my religon and I have a special interest in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict because, to me, I just find it incredible that anyone could read the Bible and not wonder about all of that outright slaughter. Do you honestly consider a Palestinian life to be as valuable as an American life? An Iraqi?

Honestly, I have found William Dalrymple's comment about simple-minded bigots to be quite appropriate when considering the remarks made on right-wing blogs. I do not judge your comments to be honest or convincing.


Whatever. You go ahead and believe that you "support the troops." My local paper has reported - War? What war? - that the number of high-quality recruits has continually dropped since the Iraq war started.

The Bush administration is sending "strong signals" that the troop reductions will slow or stop altogether this summer (multiple tours - even longer than 15 months?) because the recent security improvements are "tenuous," and top U.S. commanders predict that the battle for Mosul will be a "grinding campaign" that will require more firepower from both the Pentagon and Iraqi allies.

That's OK, there is no limit to what you will ask of the troops.


Also, this from TIME:

(WASHINGTON) — The U.S. military isn't ready for a catastrophic attack on the country, and National Guard forces don't have the equipment or training they need for the job, according to a report.

Even fewer Army National Guard units are combat-ready today than were nearly a year ago when the Commission on the National Guard and Reserves determined that 88 percent of the units were not prepared for the fight, the panel says in a new report released Thursday.

The independent commission is charged by Congress to recommend changes in law and policy concerning the Guard and Reserves.

The commission's 400-page report concludes that the nation "does not have sufficient trained, ready forces available" to respond to a chemical, biological or nuclear weapons incident, "an appalling gap that places the nation and its citizens at greater risk."

"Right now we don't have the forces we need, we don't have them trained, we don't have the equipment," commission Chairman Arnold Punaro said in an interview with The Associated Press. "Even though there is a lot going on in this area, we need to do a lot more. ... There's a lot of things in the pipeline, but in the world we live in — you're either ready or you're not."

You Got The Government You Deserve

What I’ve been trying to say is that townhallers only look out for themselves. From your attitudes about “entitlement” programs to your mistaken belief that America has done no wrong, never has, never will – it’s your inability to look at anything from a perspective other than your own. You people are supremacists. You twist everything around until it suits you and you can look straight at the facts and only see what you want to see.

There are two very distinct groups of people here. The “religious right” types pretend that the “hateful redneck” types do not exist and vice versa. Come to think of it, the “religious right” types do display some “hateful redneck” tendencies, maybe that’s why it works. At any rate, I know from personal experience that the two groups do not even like each other. The beer-drinking, profanity-spouting, intolerant rednecks do not think much of the “Bible-thumping,” holier-than-thou Jesus-freaks. Mighty strange bedfellows.

What do you expect? Your government is the government you deserve. The Republicans you elect are RINOs and do not do what they say they will do, what you want them to do, because THEY are only looking out for themselves. They get elected and suddenly they forget the little peons even exist.

Did our representatives invent greed, graft? Maybe they ARE truly representative.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Religious Right Has Some Mighty Strange Bedfellows

The religious right has some mighty strange bedfellows.

JD's Handsome Son says that liberals tell you where you can live, who you can live with, who you can associate with? I thought it was the "social conservatives" who want to tell people what they can and cannot do. John Edwards "legally steals" his money but rich Republicans who game the system are just good ole boys, I guess.

He says,"Being partly an indigenous aborigine, (all of us born here are native Americans, check your Webster's dictionary), does not give you license to make rules for the rest of us. I know this shocks you communists who've been raised on an ethnic entitlement mentality. Trust me, I'm white and I'm right. (How do you like that ethnic arrogance? How does it feel?)"

It feels like you are a snotty-nosed spoiled little brat. How contemptuous of our own much more recent history but try talking to him about Israel and he will probably spout off about the Islamo-fascist towel-head, camel-jockey, jihadi threat.

What about the threat that comes from an arrogant, smug, know-it-all populace that has nothing better to do but wallow in their hatred and have never learned to think for themselves?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bush's Voodoo Economics?

President Bush said in his SOTU address that we should not let his tax cuts expire and that he will balance the budget by 2012. A financial columnist in my local paper said that in order to have a "slight surplus" by 2012 we will have to let the tax cuts expire and we will have to keep the alternative minimum tax.


Where Would "W" Be Without Daddy?

wildwest writes: Tuesday, January, 22, 2008 5:31 PM
delusional lilly
you still refuse to accept thaqt the missus clinton acquired everything after college based on her marriage to a hick politician who became president. Without bubba she would have never acquired the positions she achieved. Without being bubba's long suffering victimized wife she would have had as much chance of of becoming senator as a snowball would last in a blast furnace. Without bubba she would have never been considered for president. To insist otherwise is total fabrication. She is now relying bubba's phony popularity to save her run for president. Without bubba oblahma would find the way to defeat her.


Excuse me, without Bush Sr. where would W be? At least Bill Clinton chose his wife for certain attributes whereas W is just an accident of birth unless you believe in dynasties.


lilly writes: "In addition to being First Lady (tea parties?) Hillary Clinton has worked in social policy law for 35 years. She has a distinguished law degree (Juris Doctor) from one of the most prestigious law schools in the world (Yale)."

Global Warming Is A Hoax - Right-Wing Says So

Thursday, January, 24, 2008 7:18 PM

buzzkat writes: Thursday, January, 24, 2008 4:47 PM Not so fast ...For instance, Newt, just as GWB has, has thrown in the towel on the America's fault global warming hoax...


Hicks.How can you look at the pictures of the pollution in Beijing and not be the least bit concerned? Are you aware that that pollution makes its way to California? Our demand for cheap goods is fueling China's growth. Of course, nobody can prove what is happening but many scientists find the evidence compelling. I think the Republicans who have proven they only look out for themselves are just afraid that they will make a sacrifice for their children and future generations and what if it turns out to be unnecessary? Oh, my gosh, what a horrible injustice. The biggest injustice in the history of humanity. Boo Hoo.

At Hateful Townhallers

JD's Handsome Son writes: Saturday, January, 26, 2008 9:40 AM

JD's Handsome Son writes:Saturday, January, 26, 2008 9:40 AMDualityMr. Gates sits atop a $100 Billion estate and looks down at us to say we should sacrifice, forgo our pleasures and give to others.John Edwards lives in a 28,000 sq. ft. clear cut remote mountain top resort in North Carolina that he acquired from legally stealing from others and tells us we are selfish greed heads and must sacrifice for others.Al Gore cruises the stratosphere in Gulf Stream IIs, jetting off to exotic locales to cavort with other wealthy elites when he looks down and sees we still warm our meager homes and drive to work. This upsets him and he scolds us for destroying the planet. He tells the world it has to sacrifice and the inhabitants of the Earth really should just go away and die to save the whales.Our ruling elites are chauffeured in plush limousines with armed guards with automatic weapons, but they want us disarmed to face the criminals their foolish progressive laws have created and enabled.Liberals push for laws to control who we hire, fire and promote, where we live, who lives with us, what words we can and cannot say, and who we can associate with. After work they hop in their Volvos, BMWs, and Lexus vehicles to their homogeneous white exclusive non inclusive gated communities where they point their bony fingers of blame at us for being insensitive.Hypocrite evil despicable liberal sons a b****es!

A little bitter, are we, a little envious? You people are just hateful.

I was born into a free country. People who came before me had established what is considered the greatest democracy in history.

They had already built much infrastructure, schools, government facilities, community buildings, fire departments, police departments, health departments, defense departments and on and on.

They established programs whereby ordinary people, who would have previously been laughed out of the banks, could buy homes, establishing a middle class who could then send their kids to college.

I find it very odd that the very system that has enabled so many to become successful suddenly becomes unnecessary once they do.

I was born in a beautiful city with numerous parks, fountains and boulevards (Kansas City, Missouri, the city of fountains) .

I also have Native American heritage and so I feel that people who are born here or come here have an obligation to give back and to work as a society to make this a better place than they found it.

Maybe you should be asking yourself what you can do for this country, not what it can do for you.


JD's Handsome Son writes:
Saturday, January, 26, 2008 2:30 PM
Ick odd nuto
You did not comprehend what I posted above. I do not begrudge successful people in this country. I resent them when after they've succeeded, they arrogantly and hypocritically assume they've been chosen to govern the rest of us. They conspicuously violate and disregard the rules they issue to us.Being partly an indigenous aborigine, (all of us born here are native Americans, check your Webster's dictionary), does not give you license to make rules for the rest of us. I know this shocks you communists who've been raised on an ethnic entitlement mentality. Trust me, I'm white and I'm right. (How do you like that ethnic arrogance? How does it feel?)And I have and continue to give back to this country. I pay lots of taxes to underwrite the existence of many non-productive Americans and illegal citizens of the world who come here to get free food, housing, medical care and in state tuition, then turn around and pi$$ on the country that invited them and cop a victim entitlement mentality that you've shown above.Your posts are ignorant and degrade the high level of discourse here in Townhall. You should leave and not come back.

Republican Women Are An Insult

Glenn McCoy’s cartoon (1-21-08) where Hillary is being heckled by men, “IRON MY SHIRT,” and her husband, “STARCH MY SHORTS,” is insulting – to Republican women. Why these women would remain in a party where such attitudes are rampant is beyond me. Disgraceful.

"Double Taxation" - Corportate Income Tax

George Will states (Opinion, 1/05), without elaboration, that the corporate income tax rate should be zero. He has also said that the minimum wage should be zero and that car companies are welfare states that sell cars to pay the benefits that they agreed to. Maybe it is time for some disclosure. Is Will speaking from some twisted ideology or just plain greed and self-interest? How much does he have riding on the stock market and with which companies?

Corporations are formed by a deliberate legal maneuver designed to insulate the investors from the responsibility of day-to-day management and from personal risk. That is why they are taxed; they are separate legal entities. Otherwise, in a case such as Enron, for example, shareholders would not just lose their investment; creditors could come after their personal assets, as well.

Corporations also leave a huge footprint on the environment - think of all those trucks tearing up the highway – on our courts and regulatory agencies. Why shouldn’t they pay their fair share? Does Will think he is so revered that he can just make crackpot statements without explaining his reasoning or have the Republicans, all, lost touch with reality in their quest for the almighty dollar?

The Surge

Patty Matthews (Letters, 1-02-08) writes that it was the surge that enabled the Sunnis to turn against al-Qaida; it was the surge that took back the major cities from the extremists, etc. The dots that she and the conservative pundits seem to be unable to connect is that the surge definitively proved that there were never enough boots on the ground in Iraq from the beginning.

Many of our top military leaders were against a “surge” because they knew it would mean extended deployments for an already strained military and that the surge could not be maintained past this summer. What will happen after the additional troops start pulling out is not clear.
I am a military family member and I believe there should have been a draft a long time ago. The troops should have had the real support they needed to stay until the Iraqi people could produce a viable country.